
We're on a mission to harness the power of beauty to unlock the potential within each individual. The potential to dream big, to be true to themselves, and to navigate their own career path. This includes the ability to envision, make an impact, and continue to grow.

At LMCHING Group, we find inspiration in the work of shaping the world and redefining the beauty and retail industries, one idea, one project, and one relationship at a time. We are passionate about connecting with individuals who share the same drive. These are the beautiful possibilities that LMCHING Group represents.

LMCHING Group は雇用機会均等に忠実であり、最高の人材を採用し、育成することを約束します。採用の決定は、資格、スキル、経験、および特定の職務に関連するもののみを基準として行われます。あなたがベストを尽くせるように、応募や面接のプロセスを調整する必要がある場合は、 yourexpert@lmching.com までメールでご連絡ください。


  • Digital Marketing & SEO Specialist
  • Creative & Marketing Assistant (Vietnam)
  • International Strategy Analyst (Vietnam)
  • シニアソフトウェアエンジニア
  • Retail Technology Manager
  • Assistant Financial Controller 
  • Strategy & Business Development Manager




If there is no relevant position, you can still email your resume to yourexpert@lmching.com. Share something impressive with us, something that most people would find challenging but you know; if we believe this skill or knowledge will help us, we will get in touch!