EXPIRED (22/08/2023) Papa Recipe Tea Tree Control Green Mud Mask 100ml

EXPIRED (22/08/2023) Papa Recipe Tea Tree Control Green Mud Mask 100ml - LMCHING Group Limited

EXPIRED (22/08/2023) Papa Recipe Tea Tree Control Green Mud Mask 100ml

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Giá thông thường HK$123.00 Giá khuyến mãi HK$17.00 Tiết kiệm HK$106
  • Vận chuyển và giao hàng nhanh chóng
  • Còn hàng, sẵn sàng để giao
  • Đang trong quá trình nhập hàng


  • Papa Recipe


  • Korea


  • 100ml
  • A moisturizing mud mask formulated with green tea leaf extract that absorbs excessive sebum and soothes irritated skin.
  • Contains 7% of red bean powder that provides natural and gentle scrubbing for sensitive skin.
  • Features Centella Asiatica extract that helps soothe sensitive skin and protects the skin from external irritations.
  • Take a moderate amount and gently apply over the face.
  • Leave on for 10-15 minutes, gently massage and rinse off thoroughly with lukewarm water.
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