SHOWA PHARMACEUTICAL Goal 7kg Diet Tea 3g × 30

SHOWA PHARMACEUTICAL Goal 7kg Diet Tea 3g × 30 - LMCHING Group Limited

SHOWA PHARMACEUTICAL Goal 7kg Diet Tea 3g × 30

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Giá thông thường HK$139.00
  • Vận chuyển và giao hàng nhanh chóng
  • Còn hàng, sẵn sàng để giao
  • Đang trong quá trình nhập hàng





  • Nhật Bản


  • 3g x 30
  • Details of SHOWA PHARMACEUTICAL Goal 7kg Diet Tea 3g × 30.

  • Mix 9 popular weight loss materials.

  • Easy-to-drink weight loss tea that can be continued in your daily diet.

  • Pour about 200cc of hot water and wait for about 3 to 5 minutes to brew delicious tea.

  • Take 1 sachet daily as a guide.

  • Above is some information for SHOWA PHARMACEUTICAL Goal 7kg Diet Tea 3g × 30. We will update more information in the future.

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